Exiled Catholic from Nicaragua narrates the “appalling” persecution against the Church
Marcela fled the Sandinista persecution together with her husband and two children aged 2 years and 8 months, leaving relatives...
Marcela fled the Sandinista persecution together with her husband and two children aged 2 years and 8 months, leaving relatives...
Two Spanish unions, Comisions Obreras and Unión General de Trabajadores, consider that recovering the day of Santiago Apóstol as a...
To avoid any confusion, Pope Francis made a firm reminder through a Rescript where it specifies that the IOR will...
The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has filed a criminal complaint against the administrators of an abortion business in Barcelona...
Pope Francis said this Sunday that he is following "with concern and pain" the situation created in Nicaragua, where a...
Every August 20, the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a French monk who lived between the 11th and...
Juan Carlos Mancebo, a Mercedarian missionary in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) has been the victim of a brutal beating...
The Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante (Spain), Msgr. José Ignacio Munilla, held a meeting with YouTuber Marcel García in which he explained...
The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has sued two men who tried to desecrate a Tabernacle in Spain for the...
The Holy See and the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe signed a new agreement on August 15 which...