Emma García announces the death of her father broken with pain: “There are no words to express the emptiness you leave”

HomeCelebritiesEmma García announces the death of her father broken with pain: “There are no words to express the emptiness you leave”
The presenter has communicated the news through her social networks with a tender photograph of her childhood with him.
Rachel Alonso Sanchez
Feb 25, 2022
These are not easy times for Emma García because she has had to say goodbye to one of the most important people in her life. The presenter has to face the death of her father, to whom she was tremendously close, as well as her entire family, as she has told on more than one occasion on her television programs.
Emma García has been in charge of communicating the news of her father’s death through social networks with a very special photograph. In that image you can see a very small Emma García on the beach with her father, with whom she shared a moment of complicity that she wanted to bring to the present with an emotional farewell, as well as with her brother, also when he was child.
“There are no words to express the emptiness you leave behind, aita!!! Your farewell has been difficult but the affection we have received has comforted us. It is what it takes to be such a kind person… You gave so much that your departure leave an immense mark of love. Don’t stop looking at us and smiling at us from above!!! Your strength and sensitivity will always be with us, warrior!!!”, said an emotional Emma García.
Much love to your father
The presenter of ‘Viva la vida’ has also used Instagram hashtags to write beautiful messages about her father: “The best father in the world, Always in my heart, The best teacher of life, Thank you for so much Aita, Thank you for so much love “Emma García wrote with great affection to conclude the message with which she announced the death of her father.
Emma García has always been a very reserved person but on some occasions she has been heard sending a message of affection or congratulations to her parents and other members of her family because it was a specific moment in which she had to work and was away. She now has to face this loss but keeping her father always in her heart.
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